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Ann Payton
Sep 5, 20233 min read
Mom, Where Are You?
As Christian women and mothers, we have more than enough to do. We strive to be good mothers along with work...READ M

Mandy Johnson
Aug 2, 20233 min read
Our Concerns are God's Cares
For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved flowers and wanted to plant a garden, but never made time to make it happen...READ MORE

Heather Lawless
Jul 19, 20232 min read
Endless Strength
Life can be super hard, and it seems like everything is pulling for our attention, our time and our energy...READ MORE

Amanda Florczykowski
May 24, 20233 min read
How Hard Can It Be?
The day that my daughter died was the hardest day of my life. I never thought that would be me, yet there I was...READ MORE

Meredith Carr
Apr 19, 20233 min read
Too Many Voices
My shaky hands reached in desperation for the phone. Through big, bulbous tear droplets, I dialed my mom’s number...

Meredith Carr
Feb 8, 20233 min read
Whose Voice Is That?
My shaky hands reached in desperation for the phone. Through big, bulbous tear droplets, I dialed my mom’s number, longing to pour out my...

Karen Herzog
Feb 1, 20233 min read
It's not why am I MAD?
I remember holding her for the first time, just barely over one pound at birth, praying to God that she would just live.

Magen Thetford
Jan 25, 20232 min read
The Best "To-Do" List
My to-do list seems daunting, and my energy to accomplish these things already feels depleted and limited.

Mandy Johnson
Oct 19, 20223 min read
When You Need Coffee and a Prayer
I made my way into the kitchen, optimistic about the peaceful time I was about to enjoy until I heard a sound I didn’t expect to hear…

Jayme Gradwell
Sep 7, 20223 min read
All Tangled Up
All I could hear was loud screeching with the smell of burnt rubber as I pushed the vacuum one more time. Not again, I told myself...

Magen Thetford
Aug 24, 20223 min read
He IS Near.
The mega breakdown was boiling up inside of me late in the evening. This was not one of those pretty Hallmark moments where the tear drop...

Meredith Boggs
May 6, 20222 min read
Work in Progress
Our bathroom remodel reminded me of everything else in my life that feels like a work in progress, unfinished, and in process. I don’t..

Jayme Gradwell
Mar 28, 20223 min read
God's Strength in Our Weariness
Late one night, I found myself in the kitchen intently listening to the tiny boy who is now a young man. Sparked by a question I asked him..

Able Moms Team
Mar 28, 20223 min read
From Hurtful Words to Helpful Word
I was simply worn out from having to be the cellphone police - so I took my son's away. But, his frustration collided with mine...

Nicole Astra
Mar 28, 20223 min read
Heart Action
We can be honest, right? I’m just not feeling it. Maybe it is the pandemic, midlife stress, the single-mom load...we are all in recovery...
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