“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4 ESV
It only takes one moment of fear to remind you of your frailty. I remember that moment of fear vividly as a young girl while skiing with my siblings. The pull strings on my jacket got caught in the chairlift and when everyone else slid off to go ski, my little body was being dragged up the mountain. Halfway between the lift and the ground, my gloves gripped the snow as if my life
depended on it. Slipping farther away, my feet had just approached a cliff and began to dangle over it. It was as if time stood still. An overwhelming bright light flooded my vision while memories of my past played back in hyper speed. Could this be the end for me?
In the depth of my greatest fear, I experienced the most calming sense of peace. As I looked up, I saw him there, a man wearing white with his arms held out. At the time, I didn’t know who he was; all I knew was his presence made me feel safe. Seconds later, I was rescued off that mountain. But, I’ll never forget who I encountered there.
Psalms 23 paints such a beautiful picture of hope in the midst of troubled times. It tells us that even though we walk through dark valleys and face difficult days, we have no need to worry because our God is with us. He is not only leading us with His staff (like that of a loving shepherd), but He is fighting for us with His rod of protection. Whether our struggle is fear of falling, failing or the unknown future, our comfort and confidence comes when we know Who is beside us. Life will always give us a reason to fear, but God will always give us a reason to trust.
So, dear sister, I pray today that you do not let the shadow of fear overtake your faith in the Shepherd Who walks you through the valley. He is the One that will never lead you astray, no matter where life takes you. Stay close to Him. Rely on Him. Know that the sweetest moments you will share often lead from the hardest roads you have traveled. That is why you can’t discredit your time in the valley, it’s in that place where you will experience the true depths of God’s love and immeasurable grace.
Jesus, thank You so much for walking with us even when our fear tells us that we are left alone. You know our heart, our mind, and everything we struggle with.
May we always seek to follow close after You.